Category Topics

Start Here ➵ Mantle Discussions and Soft Proposals

This is for all Mantle ecosystem areas including products, governance, tokenomics, and initiatives. Community members are encouraged to submit soft proposals for discussion as an opportunity to garner feedback on the proposal prior to a snapshot vote.

[Curated Archive] Mantle Products

All topics related to Mantle suite of products such as Mantle Network, mETH Protocol, Mantle Website, various toolings.

[Curated Archive] Mantle Ecosystem

All topics related to ecosystem and growth including EcoFund, events, marketing, grants, incentive programs, and initiatives.

[Curated Archive] Mantle Organization

Including governance parameters, treasury management actions, tokenomic changes, structuring topics.

[General Archive] Mantle

Archived soft proposal discussions

Feedback and Suggestions

Including constructive discussion related to the Mantle governance process