[ARCHIVED] Why Faucet Mint coming with Restrictions?

So, I am a regular Mantle tester, whenever I get time, I try to interact with the Dapps highlighted on the Mantle ecosystem page. Every day I try Minting MNT from the faucet. But it says to Mint from faucet users MNT balance needs to be below 10K, even then sometimes t lets you mint 100/500 tokens. Problem s sometimes the Contract reverts the transaction. s there a solution to this?

Which faucet are you taking about

Mantle faucet


The nft marketplace faucet ?

I also have this same issue

@0xmazdoor @Yomifx Which faucet are you using? Is it the official Mantle faucet?

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Yes, it is. I will send images later today

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Yes, this is issue over now. Sorry for the late reply Sir.

I also have this same issue.