Welcome to Mantle Forum!

Dear community,

We are excited to announce that our new forum is now live! You can access it at ​https://forum.mantle.xyz. We’ve completed the migration process and are thrilled to welcome you to this new space where our vibrant community can continue to engage and share ideas.

We have transferred all existing accounts from the BitDAO forum to the new Mantle forum, ensuring you can simply log in with your previous account details. If you encounter any problems logging in, please reach out to our moderators or community managers for support.

For your reference and continuity, the old BitDAO forum at ​https://discourse.bitdao.io will remain accessible in a read-only mode. This means that while you will no longer be able to log in and post new threads or comments, you can still revisit and read the discussions that took place there.

As a reminder, by using the Mantle forum, you acknowledge and accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that were already in place on the BitDAO forum. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these terms if you haven’t done so recently.

If, for any reason, you do not agree with these terms, or if you wish your account to be deleted from the Mantle forum, please respond directly to this email. Our team will be ready to assist with the deletion of your account from our system.

We look forward to seeing you on the forum and are eager to continue fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment for all members of our community. Should you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your patience during this transition, and we can’t wait to start this new chapter together.

Warm regards,
BitDAO/Mantle Forum Team